Monthly Newsletter
Fiddlers Grove Woodcarvers
Lebanon, TN
April 9, 2022

Meeting Conducted By: Rich Patterson

Location: Town Hall, Fiddlers Grove

Number in Attendance: 8    Visitors: 0

Old Business:


New Business:

1. The Wilson County/State fair is August 18 - 27, 2022 this year. We definitely will not be in the pole barn this year and there is no firm decision on exactly where we will be located. There was some discussion of locating the club in a covered picnic pavilion but that is not firm. Whatever the case, there are a couple of things that we need to consider. First, even though we have a roof over our head, we are still subject to blowing winds, rain, mosquitoes, and direct sun depending on our location. We will not be able to leave our "stuff" overnight so we will have to schlepp everything to and from our cars each time we are there. Lighting may be an issue, especially once the sun sets, so we may need to bring additional lighting -- and if there is no electric connections available, the lights will need to be battery operated. Also, depending on the size of the venue, we may only be able to accommodate a couple of members at a time which may mean reduced number of members each day. Whatever happens, it portends to be a very different experience than in the past so we will need to be prepared for the change. I believe it was Bob Dylan who wrote "The times they are a-changing".

2. I will need to send in a list of volunteers NLT June 1st to the fair committee so I will be sending out an email requesting the days that you would like to attend. Obviously, this will be fluid since things will change for all of us between June 1st and August 18th and our venue may also dictate changes.

3. Neddy Jacobs day at Fiddlers Grove is May 28th. Jon, Butch and Dedee have volunteered to represent the club at this event but more volunteers are cordially welcome to join them. If you are interested let me know. You will be able to sell your crafts there.

4. In terms of the club representation at Granville, at this point, I have Phil, Kim, Rich, Clark, Gene and possibly Dedee for May 7th. For May 28th, I have Phil, Kim, Clark and Gene. May 7th is full but we could accommodate perhaps one more person on the 28th if anyone is interested. It is the same day as Neddy Jacobs in Fiddlers Grove so what we have is fine unless someone drops out at the last minute. You can sell your crafts there and it is fun experience. Keep in mind that Granville is in the upper left corner of "nowhere" so there is no cell service and limited wifi. The club does receive an honorarium for being there.

5. The Wilson County Bank's Oktoberfest will be October 15-16 this year so mark your calendar for that event.

Show & Tell

Five members had carvings to show at the meeting. First, Joe brought a couple of realistic busts and he described the process that he learned at the Geisler-Moroder Woodcarving School in Elbigenalp, Austria for creating and finishing a realistic bust. He also dispalyed some books which described the European method for carving a bust and anatomy for artists. The books he discussed are in the pictures below. I found the "Carving the Head" book online (used) for $6-$7, the "Basic Human Anatomy" for $30-$33, and the "Anatomy for Artists" (English not the French version) for $10-$17. All prices include shipping. If you need help finding them online, let me know. If you want to see the book before you purchase it, let Joe know.

Jon had a relief carving of tulips that were painted with watercolors and he used water color pencils for the grass.

Phil displayed a relieve carving of a bumblebee on a flower. He said he got creative with the antennas on the bee!

Rich had two carvings. The first one was a relief carving of an old time gas station. This carving was completed in a class with John Engler and is painted with watercolor paint. The second carving is a chip carved star.

Dedee displayed several carvings. In the first picture, she has a rabbit made out of cedar and a relief carving of a "birdhouse" napkin holder. In the second picture, she had a mouse "shelf sitter", a cedar box with rabbits on two sides, and a magic wand. She indicated that Earnest gave her the wand -- it was evidently just a stick he was carving on at one of our meetings. She modified the wand and put the magic in it!

Note: The pictures from the March meeting have been updated (except one which will be forthcoming) -- the initial pictures were blury so they were retaken. Please go back to the March newsletter to see the updated pictures.

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